Publicity of Planning & Related Applications
The applications set out in the Schedule below are required to be given wider publicity and public comment is invited.
Copies of the applications can be viewed online.
The reason for publicising each application is indicated after the application number as follows:-
(03) Development affecting the setting of a Listed Building; (09) Development affecting the Wellow Conservation Area; (10) Development affecting the Central Area Conservation Area; (18) Development affecting the Cleethorpes Central Seafront Conservation Area; (22) Development affecting tree(s) subject to tree preservation orders; (27) Development affecting the Holme Hill Conservation Area
DM/0554/20/FUL Restoration of the front elevation to include works to the bay windows, alterations to shop front, replacement of roof tiles for slate and various other alterations, 24 Alexandra Road, Cleethorpes-(18)
DM/0630/20/FUL Proposed extensions and alterations to raise the height of existing single storey extension to two storeys and provide a garden room to the rear with alterations, erect ground floor extension to front, first floor extension to side to create two storey extension and erect single storey extension to rear to include roof lights and juliet balcony to rear at first floor, Walnut Cottage, School Lane, East Ravendale-(03)(22)
DM/0640/20/FUL Removal of existing hedge and Holly tree and erection of new boundary wall and railings to front and relocation of 2m high timber fence, 5 Park Drive, Grimsby-(03)(09)
DM/0649/20/FUL Change of use from two dwellings to an eight bedroom house of multiple occupation to include two storey extension to rear with associated works and alterations, 26 Eleanor Street, Grimsby-(27)
DM/0645/20/FUL Variation application of condition 1 (Temporary Period) as granted on DM/0562/19/FUL (Variation of condition 1 (Temporary Period) as granted on DM/0646/16/FUL (Change of use of land to provide external seating area) to extend temporary permission) to extend temporary permission, 26 Victoria Street, Grimsby-(10)
Comments should be made:
- Online at or by post to:
- Development Management Services, New Oxford House, 2 George Street, Grimsby, DN31 1HB by 13th September 2020
Please Note: Signatures, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses attached to representations will not be shown on the Council’s web site but your name and address will be displayed. Anonymous representations will not be taken into account ie if no name and address are supplied.
Director of Economy and Growth – Place
20th August 2020
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