Publicity of Planning & Related Applications
The applications set out in the Schedule below are required to be given wider publicity and public comment is invited.
Copies of the applications can be viewed online. The reason for publicising each application is indicated after the application number as follows:-
(01) Major Development; (02) Development affecting a Listed Building; (03) Development affecting the setting of a Listed Building; (05) The proposed development would affect a public right of way; (08) Development affecting the Scartho Conservation Area; (10) Development affecting the Central Area Conservation Area; (14) Development affecting the Humberston Conservation Area; (18) Development affecting the Cleethorpes Central Seafront Conservation Area; (20) Development affecting the Humberston Fitties Conservation Area; (22) Development affecting tree(s) subject to tree preservation orders; (23) Development affecting the setting of a scheduled monument;
- DM/0551/20/FUL Alterations and erection of single storey extension to the existing church hall St Peters And St Pauls Church, Stallingborough Road, Healing, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN41 7QF, – (03) (02) (23) (22)
- DM/0574/20/FUL Demolish existing attached garage, install rear dormer to create additional living accommodation at second floor, erect single storey outbuilding to include garage and games room, erect single storey summer house, extend existing driveway to include additional vehicular access and various internal and external alterations 273 Humberston Avenue, Humberston, Grimsby – (14)
- DM/0592/20/FUL Demolish existing garage, erect first floor rear extension to create additional accommodation and erect single storey detached garage 61 Grantham Avenue, Grimsby – (22)
- DM/0598/20/FUL Raise existing roof height to create additional accommodation at first floor and various internal and external alterations to include replacement roof 260 Humberston Fitties, Humberston, Grimsby – (20)
- DM/0578/20/FUL Change of use and alterations from Art Gallery and flat to Cafe/Restaurant at ground floor with 3 flats above 35 Alexandra Road, Cleethorpes – (18)
- DM/0582/20/FUL Variation application of Condition 13 (Approved Plans) as granted on DM/0190/20/FUL (Variation application of Condition 13 (Approved Plans) as granted on DM/0335/19/FUL (Variation application of condition 15 (Approved Plans) as granted on DM/1130/14/FUL (Hybrid application for the erection of 53 dwellings (C3), landscaping, access and associated on-site infrastructure (Full). Also the erection of 42 dwellings (C3) with associated landscaping and access (Outline)) to amend bungalow type B at plot 32 and amend the footprints of plots 18-21) to amend existing double garage to games room, relocation of garage, internal alterations and amendments to door and window locations Land Off Cheapside, Waltham – (01)
- DM/0569/20/FUL Variation application following DM/0186/19/FUL (Variation application of condition 2 (Approved Plans) as granted on DM/0339/18/FUL (Demolition of existing redundant Council buildings and erection of 60 unit Extra Care (C2) development with associated parking and access) to change roof design and raise finished floor levels) to provide additional vehicular access for emergency and service vehicles Land At Burwell Drive, Burwell Drive, Grimsby – (01)
- DM/0604/20/ADV Erection of permanent non illuminated sign and temporary non illuminated free standing timber sign Matthew Telford Park/Williams Way (former Forsythia Drive), Grimsby – (05) (08)
- DM/0501/20/LBC Listed Building consent for proposed conversion of existing warehouses into Youth Zone accommodation including internal demolitions, demolition of two storey building to the north and replacement with part two-storey part single-storey building, additional extension to the north containing 4-court sports hall and creation of new external multi use games area (MUGA) / kick pitch and skate park with perimeter fencing, floodlighting, pontoon and associated access, parking and infrastructure West Haven Maltings And Garth Buildings, Garth Lane, Grimsby – (01) (02) (03) (05) (10)
- DM/0587/20/FUL Variation of Conditions 2 (Approved Plans), 3 (Tree Protection), 4 (Landscaping) and 8 (Drainage) following DM/0963/19/FUL (Erection of detached dwelling with new access and associated works (variation of DM/0665/18/FUL)) to alter plans and elevations and amendments to drainage Land Parcel 3, Green Lane, Brigsley – (03) (22)
- DM/0499/20/FUL Variation of Condition 1 (Approved Plans) and removal of Conditions 2 (Bin Store), 3 (Materials), 4 (Foul Water Drainage) and 5 (Landscaping) following DM/0857/19/REM (Reserved matters application for the erection of one dwelling and annexe to consider access, scale layout and appearance following DM/0214/16/OUT (Outline application for the erection of a detached dwelling and residential annexe with all matters reserved)) to amend the design of the proposed dwelling Fenby House, Post Office Lane, Ashby Cum Fenby, Grimsby – (22) (05)
- DM/0507/20/FUL Proposed conversion of existing warehouses into Youth Zone accommodation including internal demolitions, demolition of two storey building to the north and replacement with part two-storey part single-storey building, additional extension to the north containing 4-court sports hall and creation of new external multi use games area (MUGA) / kick pitch and skate park with perimeter fencing, floodlighting, pontoon and associated access, parking and infrastructure West Haven Maltings And Garth Buildings, Garth Lane, Grimsby – (01) (02) (03) (05) (10)
Comments should be made:
- Online at NELC’s website or by post to:
- Development Management Services, New Oxford House, 2 George Street, Grimsby, DN31 1HB by 30th August 2020
Please Note: Signatures, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses attached to representations will not be shown on the Council’s web site but your name and address will be displayed. Anonymous representations will not be taken into account ie if no name and address are supplied.
Director of Economy and Growth – Place
6th August 2020
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