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Staff find electric guillotine prop at Grimsby tip

11:00 am, Thursday, 5th September 2024 - 16 seconds ago

Bins, waste and recycling

When you visit the tip, you probably take an old sofa, some memories from yesteryear that you no longer need or all the empty cardboard boxes from Christmas.

But what about an electric guillotine? Understandably, this probably isn’t something you’d expect to see, but for the team at Grimsby Community Recycling Centre (CRC) it’s exactly what they were greeted with.

Unsure of its origin or previous uses, the guillotine was brought in to the site recently and is now being preserved to be used in this year’s spook-tacular Halloween display.

Other unusual items handed in to the team in recent times include:

  • A Sinclair C5
  • A children’s tandem bicycle
  • A 1940s American wooden Bob Sleigh
  • Stuffed ducks
  • zebra bar stools
  • A 1914 German World War One bombshell which have been made into a coal bucket

Cllr Henry Hudson, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Net Zero, said: “Our Community Recycling Centres are exceptional in helping achieve the Council’s aims for the local environment.

“Reselling these items and finding a new use for them helps to promote our goal of becoming more sustainable.

The electric guillotine at the tip

“What the teams are doing by giving these proceeds to local charities is fantastic too. It’s a great example of how they go that extra mile for the people of North East Lincolnshire.”

Grimsby and Immingham CRCs are open daily from 8am to 6pm. Both sites are run by North East Lincolnshire Council’s waste management contractor Newlincs Development Ltd.

Grimsby CRC is in Estuary Way, Grimsby DN31 2UD. Immingham CRC is in Queens Road, Immingham DN40 1QR.

Visit for more details.

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