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Students given unique insight into local politics

11:40 am, Tuesday, 6th September 2022 - 2 years ago

Councillors and democracy

Young students in North East Lincolnshire have been given a unique opportunity to find out more about local politics and how the Council is run.

Called ‘politics day’, students from Franklin College Sixth For and Waltham Toll Bar Academy spent a day meeting politicians and officers from North East Lincolnshire Council, including the Mayor and Council Chief Executive, and got the chance to quiz elected Councillors.

The day, which took place in August, also included a tour of Grimsby Town Hall.

Council Leader, Councillor Philip Jackson, said: “Our young people are vitally important to this area. They are the future of this borough, leaders, workers and decision-makers.

“We want to nurture their talent, capture their interest in local decision-making, and attract them to want to stay in our area after college or university and build their lives here.

“The vast majority of those who work at the Council are local employees, and we offer internships, kickstarter schemes and other opportunities for young people to get involved and earn work experience within the organisation, so this is another way for the younger generation to learn what the Council does, how it operates, how decisions are made through the democratic process. It’s a learning experience.”

A photo of students speaking to Councillors

One student from Franklin College Sixth Form shared their experience of Politics Day:

“Today has allowed me to gain an invaluable insight into the Councillors day to day roles and the impact they have.”

Another student said: “I got some insight into the way the Council is structured. The day helped to crush some misconceptions about local government.”

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