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Traffic Regulation Order introduced to combat verge parking on Bradley Road

10:04 am, Thursday, 14th October 2021 - 3 years ago


North East Lincolnshire Council and its regeneration partner, EQUANS, have introduced a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and associated signage and lining to combat verge parking in Bradley village.

The new restrictions will include the prohibition of stopping and waiting of vehicles on adopted verges and footpaths in Bradley, including Bradley Road, Church Lane and Manor Farm Mews.

Additionally, a 24-hour rural clearway is also being introduced on Bradley Road from the start of the 40mph stretch in Bradley village to Marion Way, Waltham, to prohibit the stopping of vehicles in the carriageway to ensure the unobstructed free flow of traffic can be maintained. 

The introduction follows requests by ward councillors and Bradley Parish Council following reports of a number of vehicles utilising the verges and footpaths in the area for parking, causing frequent disruption and inconvenience to pedestrians along the route.

Highway officials have also raised concerns that vehicles may also be causing damage to key infrastructure underground from the weight of vehicles on the softer ground. 

The restrictions will come into operation from Monday 1 November, following the completion of associated site works to make the measures enforceable.

Civil enforcement officers will be monitoring the area and will take enforcement action as required against vehicles in contravention of the order.

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