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Trial to allow access for bin lorries on collection days to start

9:39 am, Thursday, 10th September 2020 - 4 years ago


Vehicles will be prohibited from parking in an area of Cleethorpes from Thursday 10 September to allow bin lorries to access the street on collection days.

An Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) has come into effect to introduce no waiting or loading restrictions on and opposite the junction of Edward Street and William Street to prevent people parking between the hours of 7am and 2:30pm on collection days every Tuesday and Thursday.

A single yellow line has been marked on the carriageway and signs have been installed clearly displaying the restricted times.

People parking on these lines during the specified times and days face a fine.

This follows problems with bin crews collecting household waste, recycling and garden waste in Edward Street.

Bin lorries have been unable to access the street on scheduled collection days due to vehicles parking on and opposite the Edward Street junction with William Street, which has resulted in missed collections.

Councillor Stewart Swinburn, portfolio holder for environment and transport, said: “I’m very pleased we have been able to fulfil the wishes of local residents who have seen problems with parking and missed collections over the recent months.

“We appreciate the frustration of residents when our bin crews are unable to collect their waste and have listened to these views.

“This is the first time we’ve carried out a trial like this and officers will be closely monitoring the effectiveness of the trial and after this time, it can be revised, removed or made permanent.

“Dependent on the results, we may look to make this trial permanent and consider introducing the measures in other waste collection hotspots the service identifies.

“I want to support the waste service in carrying out their vital duties across the borough and also support local residents in having their waste collected.”

North East Lincolnshire Council and ENGIE have been through the legal ETRO process and letters were sent to residents prior to the restrictions informing of the proposals.

The ETRO will come into operation on Thursday 10 September and will continue for a maximum period of eighteen months.

Residents not in support of the introduction are able to make formal objections over the next six months at

In line with Government guidelines and due to COVID-19, on-street advertisements of TROs are currently suspended but will remain advertised online and in the Grimsby Telegraph.

For more information on the ETRO, visit

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