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Warning issued following blue badge misuse

2:17 pm, Tuesday, 3rd January 2023 - 2 years ago


North East Lincolnshire Council is warning blue badge holders not to misuse, or allow others to misuse their badge to obtain parking concessions.

Blue badge misuse includes:

  • A false or fraudulent application for a blue badge
  • The alteration of a genuine badge, or creation of a counterfeit badge
  • The continued use of an expired badge
  • The use of a badge reported as lost or stolen
  • The use of a badge by someone other than the registered holder
  • Use of a badge by someone other than the registered holder, where the registered holder is not present

The council has a range of options for dealing with instances of abuse, including the issue of a penalty charge notice, the refusal to renew a badge and the prosecution of offenders where appropriate.

Councillor Ron Shepherd, portfolio holder for safer and stronger communities, said: “Misuse of the blue badge scheme undermines the benefits of the scheme, impacts upon local traffic management and creates hostility amongst other badge holders and members of the public. It also undermines public confidence in the scheme.

“It can result in a genuinely disabled person being unable to park close to where they want to be. These badges are issued to vulnerable people with disabilities with the aim of making their lives easier. Therefore, we will take action where evidence of such misuse is identified.

If you know someone who is misusing a blue badge, you can report it confidentially to the council on (01472) 326298, option 1.

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