We have various different youth voice groups you, or someone you know, may be interested in. The groups below are recruiting for their next intake. Take a look to see if any of them are up your street…
1. Youth Action
A social action group made up of young people from across NEL aged 11-21 and are a part of the national Young Advisors network creating change in our local area. They are also responsible for the annual consultation of issues for young people – Your Voice, Your Vote. Find out more information about Youth Action.
2. Our Voice, Listen Up
A council for children in care, ran by children in care! The group share their own views biweekly to aim to improve the experiences of children’s lives while in care, all while eating a hearty meal and playing fun activities and games. Find out more information and how to join on Our Voice Listen Up.
3. SEND Young People’s Advisory group
A once monthly group where young people with SEND meet to share their voices and interests all while planning events in our local area. Find out more information and how to join on the SEND Local Offer site.
4. Young Reporters
A group supported by VANEL where young people get to write for the Grimsby Telegraph through a weekly column over 3 months. Find out more information on how to apply on the Young Reporters Application Form – VANEL.
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