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Planning and building control

Planning applications

View and comment on planning applications, check if you need planning permission on householder development or non-domestic development, pre-application advice and checklists, submit a planning application and any statutory notices and certificates you may need.

Planning policy

The local plan, planning policy consultations, community infrastructure levy, monitoring, local development scheme, statement of community involvement, supplementary planning documents, local development orders, brownfield land register, sustainability appraisal, habitat regulations assessment and neighbourhood planning.

Heritage and conservation

Historic Environment Record, archaeology, archaeological reports, listed buildings, scheduled monuments, registered park and gardens, conversation areas, article 4 directions, local list of historic assets, heritage lottery funding for Cleethorpes and historic landscape characterisation.

Building control

Local Authority Building Control (LABC), building regulations, submit a building regulations application, report a dangerous structure and submit a request for demolition.

Planning committee

View upcoming planning committee dates and agendas, chair and members of the committee, decisions, appealing a decision, request to speak at a committee and planning committee site visits.

Protecting trees

Tree preservation orders (TPO), apply to work on protected trees, trees and new developments, trees in conservation areas, trees and designed access group (TDAG), trees in our town and Ash Dieback disease.

Planning enforcement

Report a breach of planning permission, enforcement and what to expect from the council, search for current enforcement cases and view the published notices.

Local land searches

Local authority search for the LLC1, CON 29R and CON 290, how to apply, fees and CON 29R data.

Self build register

Building your own home, submit a self build questionnaire and land availability.

Street naming and numbering

Naming a new street, registering of properties, use of the number 13, when and how to apply, postal delivery and ordnance survey maps.

Buy a plan

Purchase a location and site plan, ordnance survey mapping, scale plans and making sure your plan will be accepted with your planning application.

Highway design guides

Guides to make sure there is a seamless approach between highways and planning on new development in North East Lincolnshire.

Planning portal