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Bag yourself a shopping voucher for picking up litter and doing your bit for the environment

3:14 pm, Friday, 4th September 2020 - 4 years ago


North East Lincolnshire Council has once again pledged its support for this year’s Great British September Clean, run by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy.

The campaign, which was postponed in early spring due to COVID-19, will run from 11-27 September 2020 encouraging the great British public to take part in small, socially distanced clean-ups to remove litter from streets, parks and beaches across the country.

This year, litter pickers have the chance to grab a retail voucher of up to £50 for their efforts in keeping North East Lincolnshire clean, green and tidy.

If you’d like to arrange a litter pick, please check the guidance under related content at and complete a copy of the Voluntary Litter Pick Form. You can then email [email protected] to arrange when we can pick up your bags of rubbish, to borrow litter picking kit and for general advice.

Any group that does at least two litter picks, and arranges them with the council, in September and October this year, will be eligible for a voucher. There will be a £20 voucher for a group of up to three people and £50 for up to six, thanks to a grant from central government to support community clean-ups.

To qualify for the vouchers, groups must monitor the types of rubbish they are picking up and send the council photographs and also inform them of the number of bin bags collected. The voucher must be used to support the group’s activities.

It is important any community groups or those litter picking read the coronavirus guidance, which can be found at

Councillor Stewart Swinburn, portfolio holder for environment and transport, said: “North East Lincolnshire has some extremely dedicated community groups who work tirelessly to make their community a place to be proud of.

“Their efforts are appreciated throughout the year, but what better way to mark the occasion than during Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British September Clean?

“But you don’t have to be part of a community group to get involved. People are invited from all ages to come together to make a difference.

“We know communities can have a huge impact on their local area helping to keep it clean and tidy – somewhere to be proud of.

“The Great British September Clean gives us all the opportunity to play our part and do our bit for the environment.”

Councillor Ron Shepherd, portfolio holder for safer and stronger communities, added: “Littering has become quite a problem in North East Lincolnshire in recent weeks, as it has across the rest of the country too. Again, we urge people to put their rubbish in a bin or take it home with them. There is no excuse.

“The Great British September Clean is a great way to bring the community together even more, to show just how much they love the place they live and is a way of looking after the local environment, wildlife and sea life.”

Keep Britain Tidy Deputy Chief Executive Richard McIlwain said: “The overwhelming response to last year’s Great British Spring Clean showed that hundreds of thousands of people love where they live and are prepared to take action to make it better for themselves, their families and their communities.

“Never before has it been more important for our community to unite in our fight against litter. We know that taking part in community action has positive effects on our mental health, and right now, anything we can do to unite British citizens and empower communities to make a difference during these uncertain times is so important.

“We are delighted that North East Lincolnshire Council is supporting this year’s campaign and would like to thank them for their support.

“Without councils across the country giving the campaign their backing, our volunteers would not be able to do the incredible job they do.”

The Great British Spring Clean, run by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy, brings together individuals, community organisations, businesses and councils to show they love where they live and in 2019, more than half a million #LitterHeroes collected more than 900,000 bags of rubbish.

Volunteers in North East Lincolnshire will be asked to separate the litter they pick into two bags: one for plastic bottles and aluminium cans and a second for the rest of the rubbish.

North East Lincolnshire Council will then collect these bags to ensure that they are recycled appropriately.

To find out more about the Great British September Clean, visit

The campaign, in partnership with the Daily Mail, is made possible thanks to headline partners Co-op, Mars Wrigley, Red Bull and Wilko and is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. The campaign is also supported by Clear Channel, Coca-Cola, Pepsi MAX and Walkers.

To find out how you can get involved, whether that’s by pledging to pick up litter in the course of your daily routine or organising a clean-up with up to five friends or family, visit

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