New restrictions will be brought into force on several streets around Grimsby town centre next month, with residents issued with permits for long-term parking.
Residents in the Abbey area are reminded that they have between now and when the residents parking scheme comes into effect in August to apply for their parking permit.
The resident parking scheme will apply to parking on Abbey Road, Manor Avenue, Wellowgate, St Olaf’s Grove, Abbey Drive East and Abbey Drive West.
Additionally, two hour waiting restrictions will be introduced on Abbey Park Road.
One permit – costing £45 annually – will allow one vehicle to park. Full details on permit types and associated charges are detailed in the Residents Parking Scheme Terms and Conditions.
The scheme will come into force on Monday 24 August following a week of monitoring by enforcement officers carrying out patrols from Monday 17 August to advise those not following the new parking restrictions.
From 24 August, penalty charge notices (PCNs) will be issued on any vehicles not displaying a permit if parked on the above streets for more than two hours.
This new Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) has been implemented by North East Lincolnshire Council and its regeneration partner ENGIE following discussions with residents and ward councillors.
Councillor Stewart Swinburn, portfolio for environment and transport, said: “We’ve engaged with local councillors and residents and they have highlighted concerns that vehicles parking along these streets restricts access for residents who live in the area who are sometimes unable to park near their properties.
“We’ve listened to their views, gone through the required legal TRO process with ENGIE, and I’m delighted we’ve been able to support the local community with this request.
“The council and ENGIE would like to encourage those who live within the Abbey area to sign up to the scheme to ensure residents can park safely and within a reasonable distance of their property.”
Letters are being sent to affected households with the relevant application forms. However, if you require more information, please contact [email protected] on (01472) 326290.
Alternatively, visit Residents parking scheme to view the Residents Parking Scheme Terms and Conditions.
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