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Searched for '%22James%2C Peter%2C 1948%5C- author.%22 NOT 8ade8db2-6dce48fe-016d-fe4789e5-0762'

186 results found for %22James%2C Peter%2C 1948%5C- author.%22 NOT 8ade8db2-6dce48fe-016d-fe4789e5-0762

Voter ID

Find out what identification you need to vote in person at polling stations on election day. You are not required to provide photo ID for postal voting. Photo ID you can use Acceptable forms of photo ID will include: If your photo ID has expired it will still be accepted as long as the photograph is still a…

Car parks

Car park locations Find car park locations on the Transport and Streets section of our interactive map or in the downloadable maps below. Car park charges Parking space numbers HGV and coach parking Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) and coach parking is available at Grant Street, Cleethorpes, DN35 8BD and Burgess Street, Grimsby, DN31 1PB. Charges are enforced…

Affordable housing

Affordable Housing is social rented, affordable rented and intermediate housing, provided to eligible households whose needs are not met by the market. Below you can find the information to assist those needing help finding an affordable home, and for developers looking to provide Affordable Housing in North East Lincolnshire. Finding an affordable home Find out if…

Parliamentary elections

Parliamentary election results

Caught on camera

We publish these images to ask for your help to identify people we would like to speak to about environmental offences. Help us identify these people We are currently updating this page. New images will be published soon. Fines issued E66132 – Can you help identify this male who we want to speak to in…

School term dates

Schools must be open for 190 days to pupils, and an extra 5 days for teacher training each academic year. Some schools in North East Lincolnshire follow the term dates and teacher training days set by the Local Authority. However, most schools follow a different pattern. We advise that you check your child’s school website….

Electric vehicles (EV)

Zap Map displays a map with locations and providers of EV charge points, the type of charge, its availability and utilisation fee. Zap Map is widely used and regularly updated. Registering with Zap Map enables you to report any unmapped charge points for inclusion. North East Lincolnshire has welcomed EV technology and been developing EV…

What happens if you do not pay

Contents If you do not pay your Council Tax There are three main steps that happen if you do not pay your Council Tax. Freeman of the Land/No Contract (PDF, 15KB) Our powers to recover money owed If you have not paid the money owed and we have a liability order for your debt then…

Adoption information

Contents Making that first contact to the adoption service can seem very daunting. We want to try to make the process as clear as possible and to reassure you that we are here to help. We are always looking for new potential adoptive parents and all sorts of people can adopt. You must be over…

Self-help funerals

Dealing with a loss is never easy. North East Lincolnshire Council’s bereavement services offers care and support to bereaved loved ones. North East Lincolnshire Council doesn’t promote any particular type of arrangement. We want to provide you with the information you need to arrange a funeral yourself, or with minimum assistance from a funeral director….