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Retail, leisure and three centres study (2013)

GVA was appointed in April 2013 to undertake an independent retail and leisure study. The study provides an assessment of the future quantitative capacity and qualitative need for additional retail and leisure floorspace across North East Lincolnshire.

The study provides an update to the previous retail and leisure study undertaken in 2005, and forms an important part of the evidence base for the retail and leisure policies and proposals to be set out in the emerging New Local Plan.

A copy of the study, appendices and an executive summary are available to download

Retail Floorspace Capacity Update

The 2013 study considers the potential capacity based on population growth assumptions, which at the time of publication, related to those identified in the Strategic Housing Market Assessment (2013). Subsequent to that, the potential for economic growth in the area has been re-assessed. As a result, the proposed retail floorspace capacities could now be regarded as representing a minimum position. It is wise, therefore, to plan with some flexibility and look to an early review of the retail assessment.

As a consequence a Retail Floorspace Capacity report (PDF, 2MB) has been prepared. This report updates the retail floorspace capacity forecasts for the main settlement in the Borough, for both convenience and comparison goods floorspace. It takes into account the publication of new population and retail expenditure forecasts; changes in circumstances regarding retail commitments across North East Lincolnshire and a change in the end date for the Local Plan (now 2032).

Contact details

Spatial Planning, Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01472 324272

Opening times: please call to make an appointment