Council meetings
Standards and Adjudication Committee
December 11 @ 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Councillor S Farren (Labour) (Chair)
Councillor K Swinburn (Conservative) (Deputy Chair)
Councillor K Brookes (Conservative)
Councillor J Cairns(Conservative)
Councillor I Lindley (Conservative)
Councillor M Morland (Labour)
Councillor D Humphrey(Labour)
Councillor S Holland (Independent)
Councillor N Aisthorpe (Liberal Democrat)
Substitute Members
Conservative Councillors Crofts, Harness, Shepherd and Shreeve
Labour Councillors – Goodwin, Patrick and Shutt
Independent – Councillor Bonner
Lib Dem – Councillor Emmerson
Contact Officer – Rachel Marshall Tel 325 907
E-mail: [email protected]