Searched for 'City of Bohane Kevin Barry Eye the Needle Ken Follett For Whom Bell Tolls Ernest Hemingway His Dark Materials Trilogy Phillip Pullman Ivanhoe Walter Scott Mr Standfast John Buchan The Big Sleep Raymond Chandler Hunger Games Suzanne Collins Jack Aubrey Novels Patrick O?Brian Lord Rings J.R.R. Tolkein'
Surplus land and buildings
Our approach to disposal of surplus land and property We advertise any potential vacant land or property assets that are surplus to requirements on this page. If there are no…
Review of polling districts and polling places 2018/20
The Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 places a duty on North East Lincolnshire Council to carry out a review of its Polling Districts and Polling Places by no later…
Planning committee
The majority of planning applications are decided by the planning service. All decisions are reported for information only to the planning and development committee. The committee has the responsibility to…
Statement of community involvement
As the local planning authority for North East Lincolnshire the Council prepares several different types of planning policy documents, including the Local Plan. National guidance, regulations and legislation set out…
Ship sanitation inspections and ships water sampling
The ports of Grimsby and Immingham handle approx 40,000 vessel movements per year and the Grimsby and Immingham Port Health inspectors visit these vessels to issue Ship Sanitation Exemption or…
Health and safety complaints and enquiries
Employers must provide a safe workplace with a healthy workplace environment and with adequate welfare facilities for everyone in the workplace, including for those with disabilities. Provisions should include well–maintained…
IT service and infrastructure
How our ICT services are provided Our ICT services are provided by an in house team with some external contractual support and maintenance. Download the North East Lincolnshire Council ICT and…
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA)
A Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) is a requirement of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and is seen as an important part of the evidence base for Local…
Street work permit scheme
North East Lincolnshire Street Work Permit Scheme The North East Lincolnshire Street Work Permit Scheme is intended to deliver public benefits by minimising the inconvenience and disruption caused by road…
Call for sites
The ‘call for sites’ is an early opportunity for individuals, landowners, and developers to suggest sites within the borough for development over the next 20 years. The site suggestions received…