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Care leavers | Accommodation

Where you live when you leave care is a big decision to make. It is important to know what options you have and what these options involve.

Accommodation options

Up to the age of 18 we will encourage you to remain in care particularly foster care. Where you live is very important in helping you feel safe.

There are various options of accommodation post 18.

Staying Put allows for you to remain in your foster home post 18 to provide continuity and stability. This will need to be agreed months before you are 18 so everyone knows what is expected of them. Some things will change within the home as a result. You will no longer be Looked After or subject to a care order. Your carer will have changes in the monies they are paid and will need to check their responsibilities in relation to paying tax.

A £10 per week contribution towards your care and you will be responsible for all your expenses such as transport and clothing. Your carer will provide food and electricity etc.

You will be supported to apply for any benefits you may be entitled to.

Supported lodgings can provide a safety net between care and independence, where you can learn the skills you need knowing there is someone to support you.

Supported lodgings such as Humbercare, are external organisation with skills in supporting young people.

Lodgings providers are expected to provide safe and clean accommodation where you would have your own room. Lodgings providers focus on supporting you to build independence skills. They can assist with day to day needs, offer practical help, advice, and information.

You would be expected to contribute a minimum of £7 per week towards the placements. You would be responsible for all your other expenses. The cost of food and household expenses such as electricity is funded. When the time is right, you will be supported to take up your own tenancy.

Support will be given when looking for semi-independent accommodation.

This could include options such as the YMCA and Willows project.

This is the most expensive option for a young person (Age 18 plus) and should only be considered when you have the skills to be able to manage money, maintain a home and problem solve sufficiently to cope.

You are responsible for all their household bills such as gas, electric, water, TV licence and rent.

If you are eligible you might be able to claim help with your rent through Universal Credit.

Home Choice Lincs manage our social housing such as Lincolnshire Housing Partnership. A deposit is not required for this accommodation. You will be required to maintain the property and be responsible for all the bills.

You will be classed as a priority if you have not had a previous tenancy or any issues with anti social behaviour.

We have some access to temporary emergency accommodation. This is subject to it being available and you being eligible.

We would also seek support for you through the homeless team.

You may be living with your family. We will need to stay involved with you, visit regularly and keep your plan up to date. It can sometimes be difficult to return to family because you have not lived together for a while. It is important you talk to your personal advisor for continued support.

Your personal advisor will discuss whether or not you still need a service from our team if you:

  • are between the ages of 16 and 18,
  • are no longer looked after, and
  • have successfully returned home to family

We work closely with our Homelessness team to support you if you should be faced with being homeless. We will only share information with your consent and only that which is relevant to supporting your housing need.

Go to our Homelessness Prevention pages.

Council Tax exemption

If you are a North East Lincolnshire care leaver and are not in employment you are fully exempt from Council Tax until you become 25 years old. You will need to confirm with the council tax office that you are a care leaver and consent for them to confirm this with our team.

You will also need to remember that at 25 you will have to start to pay Council Tax and this could be part way through a financial year.

If you live with another young person who is not a care leaver, they will still have to pay council tax, although there will be a 50 per cent exemption. If you have any worries please contact your personal advisor or the Council Tax team.

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Contact details

Children in Care and New Futures team,

New Oxford House, 2 George Street, Grimsby, DN31 1HB

Contact us: Care Leavers support request  

Telephone: 01472 325232