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Searched for '%22aMcPherson%act%20Catriona%22a%20NOT%208ade8d9f-6958c3eb-069-698a3d28-098'

604 results found for %22aMcPherson%act%20Catriona%22a%20NOT%208ade8d9f-6958c3eb-069-698a3d28-098

Children’s social care complaints

Contents Every social services department must have a complaints procedure in place. Complaints regarding Children’s Social Care are dealt with by the Information, Governance and Complaints team. We offer support, advice and guidance to service users who wish to raise a formal complaint. Any service user or somebody who is accepted as acting on behalf…

School exclusions

Only the headteacher or the deputy headteacher (when acting in the headteacher’s absence) can exclude a pupil for disciplinary grounds. A pupil can be suspended once or multiple times for a fixed period (up to a maximum of 45 school days in a single academic year), or permanently excluded. The Local Authority supports headteachers using…

Freedom of information

Contents Freedom of information The Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations give everyone a general right of access to the recorded information held by North East Lincolnshire Council. Information you can ask for You can ask for any recorded information held by the council, however information that is already in the public domain or…

Volunteering wins

Celebrating success At TakePartNEL we like to celebrate the positive efforts, actions and outcomes our volunteers supply and generate with the time and enthusiasm they put into everything they do. Below are just a taster of some of the things we have supported and been part of and will give you an idea of what…

Children looked after

When a child’s needs are so complex that they cannot be met at home, or when the risk of harm is considered to be significant, they will become looked after. This means that they will live away from home with foster carers, kinship carers, in children’s homes, in secure accommodation or with prospective adopters. There…

Grass cutting, flower beds, hedges, trees, shrubs and verges

Our grounds maintenance team look after the areas grass cutting, flower beds, parks maintenance, play areas, shrubs and trees. We maintain 2,938,000 square metres of grass, 168 miles of rural road verges, around 5,600 miles of roads and paths, and over 500 thousand trees within the borough of North East Lincolnshire. To pay an outstanding…

Vermin advice

Control of wild species We prefer human and non lethal ways to solve issues with wild species in towns and sub-urban areas. Culling wildlife is rarely an effective long-term solution. Report a vermin problem If you see the following problems: You should complete our Vermin report. To report vermin in other locations, contact the following…

Community Renewal Fund

Organisations with ideas to help boost local growth and help those people and businesses hardest hit by the Covid pandemic are being urged to submit their bids into a new national fund that is now open for applications. The Community Renewal Fund could bring £3M of funding into the borough and is a trial for…

Litter picks

Keep North East Lincolnshire clean Litter makes the place look a mess. It’s harmful to wildlife and the environment. We are grateful to everyone who helps keep North East Lincolnshire clean. North East Lincolnshire Council is a member of Keep Britain Tidy and we support the Great British Spring Clean and other campaigns that make…

Maternal and children’s healthy weight

Good health in the school years helps to maintain good health and well-being throughout life. It is important that children develop healthy habits about food and activity. Growing with appropriate weight gain helps to avoid obesity in later life. Eating Well It is important that children eat a healthy diet to ensure they get the…