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Planning policy

Local Plan Review

The Government require the Local Plan to be reviewed every 5 years to make sure it is kept up to date

The local plan

Guiding future development in the Borough

Consultations (planning policy)

Current and recent consultations

Community Infrastructure Levy

Can help to pay for infrastructure to support new development (CIL)


The authority monitoring report (AMR)

Local development scheme

Timetable for the local plan preparation (LDS)

Statement of community involvement

How to get involved in the local plan preparation (SCI)

Supplementary planning documents

Detailed advice or guidance on the policies in the Local Plan (SPD)

Technical Advice Notes (TAN)

Technical Advice Notes provide technical advice to developers and decision makers

Local development orders

Streamline the planning application process (LDOs)

Brownfield Land Register

Provides up-to-date and consistent information of all brownfield sites considered appropriate for residential development

Sustainability appraisal

Information on the likely social, economic and environmental effects of the local plan

Habitat Regulations assessment

Results of the assessment to determine whether the emerging local plan is likely to have a significant effect on the achievement of the conservation objectives of the European and International conservation sites

Neighbourhood planning

Localism Act 2011

Related content

Planning permission

Contact details

Spatial Planning, Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01472 324272

Opening times: please call to make an appointment