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Searched for 'planning'

160 results found for planning

Local Development Orders

Local development orders (also known as LDOs) are designed to simplify the planning process under certain circumstances. They are intended to create certainty and save time and money for those involved in the planning process. Local development orders are prepared by the Council to extend permitted development rights, or grant planning permission, for specific development…

Heritage and conservation

North East Lincolnshire has a rich and diverse historic environment.  Evidence of this can be seen through both the built and buried landscape but it is also visible in local culture and tradition. Historic Environment Record (HER) The principal source of information about our local historic environment is the Historic Environment Record (HER). This is…

Early help and children’s social care decision making panels

Panel feedback from professionals It is important for us to understand the value of our decision making panels and where there could be opportunities to work smarter, and improve the outcomes and experiences for our Children, Families and Young People. If you have recently attended a panel meeting, we would welcome your feedback about your…

Statement of community involvement

As the local planning authority for North East Lincolnshire the Council prepares several different types of planning policy documents, including the Local Plan. National guidance, regulations and legislation set out how we undertake this work, and which organisation’s and ‘statutory bodies’ we consult with. However, we are also required to consult with local businesses, organisations,…

Scoping and issues (Local Plan)

Due to the technical issues we experienced launching the Scoping and Issues Paper event on our consultation portal the deadline for submitting responses has been extended to 5pm on 7 November 2022 The local plan review will be carried out in several stages and will take around three years to complete. As part of this…

Air Quality

Everyone should be able to enjoy good health and wellbeing! The Council has a duty under the Environmental Act 1995, to carry out regular assessments of local air quality. The government sets objectives relating to common pollutants found in towns and cities, and these are levels we must aim to meet. To make sure we…

Buy a plan

The most common reason for planning applications being rejected by councils is that the accompanying plans are invalid.  Buying your plans from us means you are one step closer to submitting a valid application. Most planning applications require a location plan and a site plan (also known as a block plan) to be submitted as…


Reviewing and monitoring performance is an essential part of the planning system. As the local planning authority for North East Lincolnshire the Council currently publishes two monitoring documents. Authority monitoring report (AMR) The authority monitoring report provides information that shows the progress of the local plan preparation, any activity relating to the duty to cooperate,…

Local Plan Review

We want to know what matters to you. The current North East Lincolnshire Local Plan was adopted in 2018. The Council is required to review the Local Plan within five years of its adoption. An initial decision was made to commence a review of the Local Plan in 2020, however, due to proposed planning reforms…

The Local Plan

Every local planning authority in England is required to have in place a clear, up to date local plan, which conforms to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Following consultation and a public examination held by an independent Planning Inspector, and receipt of the Inspector’s Report, the Council adopted its Local Plan on 22 March 2018. The…